LENT 2025


Join us at Redeemer for the season of Lent…

Ash Wednesday Service: Wednesday, March 5th, 7:00 pm

First Sunday in Lent: March 9th, 9:30 am

Lenten Soup Supper & Worship: March 12th, 6:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Second Sunday in Lent: March 16th, 9:30 am

Lenten Soup Supper & Worship: March 19th, 6:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Third Sunday in Lent: March 23rd, 9:30 am

Lenten Soup Supper & Worship: March 26th, 6:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Fourth Sunday in Lent: March 30th, 9:30 am

Lenten Soup Supper & Worship: April 2nd, 6:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Fifth Sunday in Lent: April 6th, 9:30 am

Lenten Soup Supper & Worship: April 9th, 6:00 Pm & 7:00 PM

Palm Sunday: April 13th, 9:30 am

Maundy Thursday Worship: April 17th, 7:00 pm

Good Friday Worship: April 18th, 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday Worship: April 20th, 9:30 am

Easter Brunch & Egg Hunt: April 20th, following worship