
“The Best Superhero Ever”

BOLT: Vacation Bible School - Week 4

Part 1:

Opening with Miss Debbie



Paper Plate Race:

Watch the video below to learn how to play! Each player gets two paper plates.

Balloon Tennis:

You can set up your own makeshift net, or play without one. Use the paper plates with handles provided, blow up your balloon and play!

Part 3:


This week you got a fun snack mix, and some candy melts to make that snack mix even more yummy! Make sure to use your new spatula and apron to help make this delicious snack! More directions are attached to your snack packet!

Note: Aprons for younger children only

Part 4:

Puppet Show with Andy & Mandy!


Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for saving us from sin, and eternal death. Through your Son, Jesus, our beautiful savior. We also thank you for giving us your holy spirit, who gives us the power to do the right and loving thing. Help us to love you, Oh Lord, with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength. And help us to love one another.

Part 5:

Crafts with Miss Bella & Miss Trudy

Part 6:

Music with Miss Debbie & Miss Bella

Thank you for joining us this year for our Online Vacation Bible School! Hope to see you next year!