Bible 17 - The parable of the sower.jpg

“The Parable of the Sower”

BOLT: Vacation Bible School - Week 1.

Part 1:

Opening with Miss Debbie


Games with Miss Carissa & Miss Carrie


A fun, no supplies needed game option:

  • Sit in a circle facing your family members.

  • When it’s your turn you must try to make everyone laugh without laughing yourself.

  • You can make funny faces, sounds, or gestures.

  • You have 15 seconds to make as many people laugh as possible.

  • But if you laugh yourself your time is up!

  • Give players one point for every person they make laugh.

  • Compare points at the end and declare a winner!

Part 3:


Granola Bars

Our snacks today are crunchy like seeds!

Part 4:

Puppet Show with Andy & Mandy!


Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for your good word to us. Help our hearts and minds to be like the good soil so that your word can take root in us and grow to your glory and praise. Help us to hide your word in our hearts and to always be ready to share it with others, so that they may come to know you better as their best friend, their heavenly father, their beautiful savior, Jesus. Amen.

Part 5:

Crafts with Miss Trudy

Part 6:

Music with Miss Debbie & Pastor Joe

Here’s another fun song to learn!


I’m gonna hide God’s Word in my heart,

It’s a lamp unto my feet.

I’m gonna read God’s Word everyday,

It’s my food my bread and meat.

I’m gonna stand on the truth of the Bible,

I’m gonna open my eyes,

I’m gonna memorize.