“The Bread of Life”
August 1st, 2021
Sunday, August 1st at 9:30 am.
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Confession: Bread of Life
In the name of the Father and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Are you really concerned about truth? Will that insatiable longing within you be satisfied with nothing less?
Then we are blest indeed!
God is preparing you for what He desires to give you. You may be tempted to follow many shepherds, To knock on many doors, to listen to many voices, to walk many paths, before you finally realize that what you have been seeking has been close to you all the time.
It is that truth which has been revealed to us through the words and deeds of Jesus the Christ!
He has not spoken about or for himself; He has spoken on behalf of His Father, who sent him.
He came to us that we might know the Father and relate to him as His beloved sons or daughters. You have heard Jesus speak of Himself as:
The Bread of Life, the Living Water, The Way and the Door, The Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. Hear his words, for they are the very words of God, He is the Word of God! Look again at what he has done, for you and the entire world!
He is the way to knowing and experiencing the saving love of God.
Take Him into yourself, identify with Him, partake of Him, follow him. Then, even amidst the doubts and temptations that beset you, you will not be lost but found by the God who loves you.
And knowing the way and the life we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free!
You will be Jesus’ disciples and the sons and daughters of the Father forever!
Father forgive us all of our sins; those we are aware of and those we are not. Help us to find true satisfaction in the Bread of Life and spend our lives not seeking the food that perishes but that which gives life and salvation.
Children’s Sermon
Sermon: “The Bread of Life” John 6
Easter Joy in Giving
We all love the story of Easter. The tomb is empty; Jesus is alive! Christ has won the battle over sin and death! Even the earth bursts forth with new life. Flowers bloom! Birds sing! Babies are born! What joy! What hope! What blessed new life! What abundance of blessings!
It is in this abundance that we live as Christians. And it is in this abundance of joy that we give. Praise be to God for His Easter blessings! May our joy lead us to also give to others!
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